Thursday, June 18, 2009

pictures that joel has posted

Joel, Alfonso, and me. Alfonso looked after the donkey we hired during our trip to the Cordillera Blanca, and he basically ruled with his superior mountain fitness. He also gave us his card, which also rules. His Donkey was named Frederico, and during one of my fever/mountain dream/hallucinations I got to watch a miniature version of Frederico carry my bags over my stomach into the hillsides of Nevada Pisco´s basecamp.

Hey look, my head is covering the ultimate elevation we managed to overcome! I think it says something like 4,700 meters, which is pretty crazy high. What you don´t see are the waves of pain emanating from my skull and stomach to the surrounding mountainsides as I struggle to keep from exploding my brain and running away from this crazy elevation.

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