Thursday, July 2, 2009

Coroico, Bolivia

Coroico is a town situated in in the eastern cordillera of the Andes, on the rainy side of the mountains which is basically the western extent of the Amazon. Coffee and bananas (and spiders) grow here like crazy, and it´s only a 3 hour busride from La Paz. It used to be you had to take the "world´s most dangerous road" to get here, but luckily the country just recently opened an actual paved road where about 26 vehicles a year don´t go plummeting off into the canyon.

coroico, bolivia
coroico, bolivia
coroico, bolivia
coroico, bolivia


  1. these are beautiful! that's quite a setting for a soccer pitch.

    oddly, i can't seem to find your email address, but we would love a postcard!

    our address is eightysix park st 94110.

  2. awesome! i will probably send some from here in la paz, but who knows how long it will take to get there!
